Sky empowers people with the business process guidance they need to excel.

Sky empowers people with the business process guidance they need to excel.

Sky empowers people with the business process guidance they need to excel.

Sky for Customer Success

Sky helps customer success leaders increase revenue by driving account management activity to greatest impact. Sky reduces downsells and churn while increasing upsells and cross-sells.

Over 3 years, a $50M SaaS company loses $9M in future revenue for every 2 points of net revenue retention (NRR) left on the table.

There is a 16 point delta between top quartile and bottom NRR performers.

Sky™ is a workforce optimization platform, focusing workers on activities that deliver the greatest business impact.




Knowledge workers navigate an increasingly complex digital workspace – with dozens of apps and massive amounts of data – to prioritize and complete their tasks.

Sky elevates workers above this complexity, aligning their activity to company North Star objectives, leading to increased revenue and profit.




Workers are often unaware of the "next-best action" or how to complete tasks most effectively. This lack of clarity leads to low productivity, high stress, and turnover.

Sky delivers simplicity and focus by dynamically prioritizing worker tasks to company OKRs and KPIs.




Sky's ActiveGuidance™ AI technology facilitates the creation, refinement, and delivery of business process guidance in the flow of work.

Sky reduces worker time to competency and mastery, accelerating company growth.




Reach out – we'd love to explore opportunities with you.